The New Vaccines
Greater Access To Society Through A Broader Definition Of Vaccination
Last Updated: 16 October 2021
Vaccine requirements have restricted certain groups from accessing all that society has to offer: education, employment, entertainment, and more.
Recent updates from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may have just provided the solution to overcome this obstacle.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused great harm in the world, and one positive may be an expanded definition of vaccines that will allow for more accessible medicines.
New Definition
The CDC updated the definition of a vaccine.
The CDC now defines a vaccine as:
A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.
New Vaccines
The updated definition is important because it better reflects new technologies and understandings of medicine.
Great innovations were made in combating COVID-19, including the application of existing and experimental technologies for new purposes.
The Big Three
Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, and Janssen/Johnson & Johnson utilize a new class of medicines to stimulate immune responses.
Older vaccines relied on injecting the body with live viruses, weakened viruses, dead viruses, or parts of viruses to confer immunity.
These new vaccines use a gene transfer platform adapted from experimental cancer treatments. Instead of exposing the body to viruses directly, the new vaccines insert genetic instructions that direct the body to create spike proteins found on the original SARS-CoV-2 virus. This may help reduce the severity of illness when people are infected and the body has help in fighting COVID-19.
This is a new mechanism unlike previous generation vaccines, and the CDC needed to update the definition of a vaccine to reflect these innovations.
Reclassified Medicines
This updated definition of vaccine should allow for other medicines and preparations to be adapted for vaccines.
Immunity is no longer a requirement for a medicine to be classified as a vaccine-- this is obvious with the new vaccines from The Big Three and the updated definition.
A preparation only needs to reduce severity of illness under the new classification.
Based on this information, medicine that reduces the severity of COVID-19 could be classified as a vaccine against COVID-19. Some of the these new vaccines may require daily boosters and others need the dose to be administered with precise timing near infection.
These following candidates for vaccines operate on a similar principle as the vaccines from The Big Three: reduce severity of illness so that the body can develop a response against the disease and virus.
Monoclonnal Antibodies
Administration of this vaccine has saved many lives and prevented hospital visits.
Zelenko Protocol
Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko developed this preparation in an effort to help patients in dire need during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is an affordable formulation that is available over-the-counter without a prescription.
Corticosteroids have shown to have a positive impact in reducing hospitalization and death rates among COVID-19 patients by reducing the runaway inflammatory response associated with the disease.
Ivermectin is a Nobel Prize winning medication that has demonstrated antiviral effects and there is strong evidence that it helps reduce the severity of COVID-19 through this mechanism.
Povidone-Iodine dilutions may be effective by destroying viruses in the mouth before a widespread infection can occur by reducing viral load.
Studies indicate that aspirin may have a positive impact on producing more favorable outcomes of COVID-19.
Tylenol has been used to reduce severity of COVID-19 by managing the associated fever.
New Freedoms
Beyond the current COVID-19 pandemic, this expanded definition of vaccines has the potential to save countless lives among populations that refused to accept previous vaccines.
Jewish, black, and other minority groups will no longer have to be haunted by the holocaust, the Tuskegee experiments, or the spectre of eugenics.
Religious will no longer be forced into choosing between maintaining integrity of their beliefs or access to society at large, especially those opposed to supporting abortion (prenatal infanticide).
Those weary of big corporations will no longer have to contribute to profits of the pharmaceutical industry.
Where as some may have been opposed to the updated definition of vaccine from the CDC, I argue that it will be a good thing.
The updated definition allows for everyone to access society by providing more options for vaccines.
Not just during the COVID-19 pandemic, but also for seasonal influenza and other diseases.
There will be greater access to vaccination and society across all dimensions:
- Race
- Ethnicity
- Religion
- Age
- Fitness
- And more!
Now that the science has caught up with the world, how will we as a people embrace more accessible, etical, and equitable vaccination for all?
- CDC: Immunization Basics
- NIH: Therapeutic Management of Nonhospitalized Adults With COVID-19
- Zelenko Protocol
- Budesonide Works
- Ivermectin for COVID-19: real time meta analysis of 65 studies
- Oral and Nasal Virucidal Therapy in Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19
- Truth for Health Foundation: COVID Treatment
- Protective Effect of Aspirin on COVID-19 Patients (PEAC)
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